2015년 8월 24일 월요일

HKM Parish new Church Building Project Kick-off meeting

Meeting minute

1. Date and place: 11:00-12:30 Aug 20, 2015 Convent Room B at HKM Parish

2. Participants: Dr. Kim, Joseph Kim (Parish Council Chair), Andrea Choi and Boniface Kim (Lay Corporators), Teresa Kim (Financial Council Representative), Joseph Yi and Andrea Jung (Building Committee); and Matt Regan (PM of the DFM), Total 7 persons

3. Prayer: Fr. Kim

4. Introduction of participants

5. Modified plan presentation by Yi (Attached as an appendix)

6. Discussions
A. Regulation environments has been changed many times: Codes have been changed 3 times since 2008, for an example energy conservation (roof insulation requirement was R13, but now R19, triple pane glass is required if a certain conditions met. Church location is same as the original plan.
B. Design build is feasible, but requires special permit,
C. Updated business plan is needed, and it is subject to reviewed since the Archdiocesan leadership has been changed since the approval.
D. The business plan may include the financial plan, the strategic evangelization, and the regional cluster planning,
E. Fr. Kim will send a letter with updated master plan, requesting permission to start the schematic design (9th step of the procedure) and the design build; and plan to apply inter-parish loan,
F. Fr. Kim will meet both of Bishops to report and to explain the new project,
G. Members will assist Fr. Kim to prepare updating the demographics, and above (B and C) items,
H. It is very important to keep time schedule,
I. Matt will provide sample letter and business plan to help us to develop our own,
J. Expected (optimistic) time table
Sep 2015: Fr Kim meets Archbishop and get approval to proceed,
To cut PO for the Schematic design: Oct 15
Schematic design done: Feb 16,
Design development: June 16
8 month from permission, if lucky.
Building Approval: Mar 17
Grading permit: Apr 17
15 months construction
Dedication: Aug 18

7. Adjourn: 12:30

HKM Parish new Church Building Project Kick-off meeting
Aug-20-2015, HKM Parish

1. Summary:
The HKM Parish has decided to continue the new church building project (building project) of which the masterplan had been approved by then Archbishop Most Rev. O’Brien, 5 years ago (June 28, 2010, MP #2114.0900.08.) This project has been paused due to the potential financial burden to the parishioners, however, the Parish decided to resume the project since the change of the environments: improved financial situation (cash assets 3M to 3.5M) and modest modification of the project (from 5.5M to 3.5-4.5M.), cash deficiency from 2.5M to less than 1M. This plan is essentially the modification of the approved plan to fit our needs and budget. It is very feasible and has room to expand in the near future, when the expansion is needed.

2. Goals of this meeting
* To Report to Archdiocese that the project has been resumed, officially
* To Learn what is the next step towards the new building

3. Brief History:
-2007: Parish building Renovation committee
-Feb. 2008: RFP for Master Plan
-Mar 2008: Cho Benn Holbeck Assoc. Inc
à MP Report, Plans A, B and E recommended
àThe Committee decided to build new than to renovate
-June 28 2010: Master Plan (plan E) conditionally approved by the
A. Storm water management
B. A hazardous material survey
C. Updated demographic information and information needed for an annual consolidated report.
-Project on hold due to potential financial burden of parishioners
-Oct 12 2014: A committee for parish remodeling (independent group) was formed to consider some renovation needs such as stained glass, expansion of a parish hall (Bleu Room) and more
> Same conclusion as year 2008: to build new (Jan 2015)
Jan 25 2015: Parish Council approved new building plan.
Mar – Jul 2015: New building committee was formed and decided to go with modified Plan E.
Aug 20 2015: Kick-off meeting for resuming the project

4. Brief of original plan E
Demolition 10,000 sq ft of convent, 6,300 sf Classroom wing +
New Construction 16,680 sq ft
Total construction 16,680 sq ft Construction
Cost $5.49M ($329/sf)

5. Briefs of modified new plan
Demolition 10,000 sq ft of convent
Renovation minor.
New Construction 10,000 sq ft (+basement 4000 ft shell only)
Total construction 10,000 (+4000) sq ft
Construction cost: 3.5M (+0.5M), $350/sq ft, $125/sf for basement plan
Design Concept: All of the pews are closer to the sanctuary.

6. Conditions considered
A. Storm water management: One of the Building Committee members, a civil engineer, contacted the county and got a few options. None of the options requires significant budget: all less than $50k.
B. A hazardous material survey: Will start on OK from the dioceses
C. Updated demographic information and information needed for an annual consolidated report: Will provide on OK from the dioceses

7. Design Build preferred
To estimate the accurate cost to avoid uncertainty in the cost.
If cost becomes beyond consensus among parishioners, we need to bring exact amount to discuss.

8. Financial plan
As shown in the table, total cost of the project is expected to be no more than $4.5. It is expected that $0-$1M more money is needed. No fund raising campaign is planned for now. It is only possible, when the cost estimation becomes final. As a worst scenario, by not considering the campaign, the loan amount may be paid off less than 10 years, by paying $100k/yr, which is typical surplus per year of our parish.
Conclusion: Very safe and feasible plan

9. Question/Discussions
A. Can we continue the existing project?
B. Is the design build allowed option?
C. What are we missing?
D. What is the next step?

Starting from Business plan, since leadership plan
Codes have been changed 3 times since 2008, such as energy; for example roof is R13 to R19, glass triple pane.
Location is fine
Update masterplan
Letter: Start schematic design Requesting permission to start
Design build
Inter-parish credit loan
Business plan: Financial plan, Strategic evangelization, Regional planning clusters,
Schedule, budget plan, Financial proforma
Soon: Father meet, approval
Schematic :Oct 15
Schematic design done: Feb 16,
Design development: June 16
Building Approval and : Mar 17
Grading permit: Apr 17
15 months construction
Dedication: Aug 18
More seats
Fr Kim prepares a meeting with th4 bishop and the archbishop
8 month from permission, if lucky.
Design build requires special permission.

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